Dr. Daniel Lee, DDS
Dentist, Owner
Dr. Daniel spent a total of eight years at USC completing his undergraduate and DDS degrees, so naturally, he is a die-hard Trojan fan. Don't worry Bruins, everyone is welcome at Zion Family Dental. As a dental student, Dr. Daniel joined Dr. Christiana on her annual mission trips to Guatemala with the Christian Medical/Dental Association to try to make a small difference in some of the underserved regions of the global community. After graduating dental school, Dr. Daniel decided to immediately enter the work field where he began primarily serving pediatric patients in Los Angeles. The patients he works with range from 6-month old children to young teenagers, and the types of treatments he is capable of vary from simple fillings and crowns to full-mouth cases. He sees adults, too! In his off-time, Dr. Daniel enjoys nerdy documentaries and dabbles with indoor rock-climbing. Come visit Dr. Daniel at Zion Family Dental with your friends and family, including the kids!